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TutorialsQuadratic Funding

Quadratic Funding

This tutorial builds on the Direct Grants tutorial. These are the changes and additions we will make:

  • Contract is deployed with a specified donation and matching token
  • Matching funds can be added that will be distributed to projects based on quadratic funding calculation
  • Donations can be made by anyone to projects with the donation token
  • Distribution of matching funds to projects (only by owner)
  • Add a Distribute page to add matching funds and distribute them to projects

It will have the following features:

  • Distribute Page: Add a page to distribute matching funds to projects.
  • Add Matching Funds: Add a way to add and withdraw matching funds from the strategy.
  • Calculate Matching Funds: Calculate the matching funds for each project based on the donation amount.
  • List Project Allocations: List the allocations for each project.
  • Distribute Matching Funds: Add a way to distribute matching funds to projects.

Smart contract

Create the Contract File

Create a new file at packages/hardhat/contracts/QuandraticFunding.sol.

Donation and Matching Tokens

We want to allow donations of a specific token to be allocated to projects. We will then use these donations to calculate a quadratic funding amount for each project to be awarded from the matching pool.

As described in the Allocator documentation:

  • Allocate - tokens going from sender to a recipient. We will use this for donations and funding the matching pool.
  • Distribute - tokens going from strategy contract to a recipient. This is for distributing the matching funds to projects.
//SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity >=0.8.0 <0.9.0; import { Ownable } from "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol"; import { Allocator } from "../extensions/Allocator.sol"; import { Registry, IRegistry } from "../extensions/Registry.sol"; import { Strategy } from "../base/Strategy.sol"; contract QuadraticFunding is Strategy, Allocator, Registry, Ownable { address public immutable donationToken; address public immutable matchingToken; constructor( address owner, address _donationToken, address _matchingToken ) Ownable(owner) Strategy("QuadraticFunding") { donationToken = _donationToken; matchingToken = _matchingToken; } // Register is inherited from the Registry contract so we don't need to override it // Owner can approve projects function approve( address project, uint256 index, string memory metadataURI, bytes memory data ) public override onlyOwner { super.approve(project, index, metadataURI, data); } // Override allocate function to check if tokens are either donation or matching function _allocate(address to, uint256 amount, address token, bytes memory data) internal override nonReentrant { if (to == address(this)) require(token == matchingToken, "Matching funds to strategy must be matching token"); if (to != address(this)) require(token == donationToken, "Allocations to projects must be donation token"); super._allocate(to, amount, token, data); } // Distribution of matching funds to projects (must be by owner) function distribute( address[] memory recipients, uint256[] memory amounts, address token, bytes[] memory data ) public override onlyOwner { require(token == matchingToken, "Must be matching token"); super.distribute(recipients, amounts, token, data); } }

Deploying the contract

Open the deploy script at packages/hardhat/deploy/00_deploy_your_contract.ts and add the new contract:

For the sake of simplicity, we will use the ERC20Mock token for both the donation and matching tokens. We can easily mint these tokens from the UI.

const mockToken = await hre.ethers.getContract<Contract>("ERC20Mock", deployer); const tokenAddress = await mockToken.getAddress(); await deploy("QuandraticFunding", { from: deployer, args: [ "0xYourAdminAddress", // Replace with your wallet address tokenAddress, // Donation token tokenAddress, // Matching token ], log: true, autoMine: true, });


AlloKit provides React components and hooks to interact with your contract. We will create pages for project registration, listing applications, browsing approved projects, and allocating tokens.

Distribute Page

Create a new page at app/distribute/page.tsx.

import { calculateQuadraticMatching, getContributions } from "~/lib/quadratic"; export default function DistributePage() { const invalidate = useInvalidate(); const { QuandraticFunding, ERC20Mock } = useContracts(); const strategyAddress = QuandraticFunding?.address; const donationToken = ERC20Mock?.address; const matchingTokenAddress = ERC20Mock?.address; // Get all donations to projects const allocations = useAllocations({ where: { // Only fetch allocations for this strategy strategy_in: [strategyAddress], // Not any transfers to or from Strategy contract (fund / withdraw of matching) to_not_in: [strategyAddress], from_not_in: [strategyAddress], }, }); const donations = ?? []; const matchingToken = useToken(matchingTokenAddress, strategyAddress); const matchingFunds = ?? BigInt(0); const matching = calculateQuadraticMatching(donations, matchingFunds); const distribute = useDistribute({ strategyAddress }); return ( <div className="space-y-6"> <div className="flex justify-end"> <DistributeButton strategyAddress={strategyAddress} tokenAddress={matchingTokenAddress} onSuccess={() => invalidate([matchingToken.queryKey, allocations.queryKey]) } /> </div> <MatchingFunds strategyAddress={strategyAddress} tokenAddress={tokenAddress} /> <AllocationsDistributions strategyAddress={strategyAddress} tokenAddress={tokenAddress} /> </div> ); }

Matching Funds

Add matching funds that will be used to distribute to projects.

Next Steps

After completing the basics, consider the following improvements:

  • Access Control: Replace the Ownable pattern with AccessControl to allow more granular permissions on who can approve projects and allocate funds.
  • Token Support: Handle different ERC20 tokens for donation and matching. Perhaps add a way to add approved tokens.
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